How it is work

How it is work


Obtaining the plan takes place in four steps

     1 .Sign up ,or log in if you already have an account.

     2.Choose your plan,, and .Accept the Terms of user sign it, and check out.

     3.receive an order and subscription confirmation email.

     4.Receive your plan with all the access details within 2 business days.


  • sign up with your email , receive a single-use notification code.


  • There are 8 plans available, choose the one or request a private plan in the contact page or on the icon chat.


  • When you  add products in the cart, we will request your signature on a document , it is our  Terms of service . It is very important that you read and understand this document when  you sign it ,because as violating them may result in charges and being banned from the site." 


  • within a maximum 2 of  days we will send you, the information for your plan including ,the username,   profile picture , and  password for each account."